With a great shared spiritual vision and understanding, Indigenous Peoples are rising up everywhere on Mother Earth in fulfillment of our sacred prophesies. Sacred prophesies that foretold that after a long spiritual wintertime, a time of great suffering and spiritual testing, there would come, as sure as the sun rises, a great spiritual springtime that would unfold, slowly but steadily, with ever-increasing beauty and healing in every direction. The coming of a Day without night.
These ancient prophesies foretold, as our Indigenous Peoples heal and empower ourselves and our communities, that we will have a greater and greater role to play in the positive unfolding of the dynamic change and transformation we are all presently experiencing on an individual and collective basis. In this process of global change, that will eventually transform the spiritual understanding and consciousness of every human being, tribe, and nation on Mother Earth, there is no doubt that Indigenous Peoples will become so illumined that they will enlighten the whole world! An emerging world where every human being will ultimately realize that we are all Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth.
To achieve this great, promised future before us, we must learn to walk the spiritual path with practical feet and fully translate our dreams and visions into living examples and models of what this change will actually look like. By walking the path, we will make the path visible. In this heartfelt healing and transformation process we will come to clearly and fully understand that the great tests, difficulties and injustices we have prayerfully faced, for more than five centuries , have been a spiritual preperation for our role in the spiritual “coming of age” of all members of the Human Family.