“The Sacred Prophesies of the White Buffalo have been fulfilled and all the Power, in Heaven and Earth ,will bring complete victory to those working together in Spiritual Unity!

June 22, 2010

Very Beloved Relatives,

There are 12 Images and accompanying Messages that were co-created by my Beloved Father, Mato Gi, Brown Bear, our relatives from Blue Pearl and Lotus Light and myself, shortly before my Beloved Father passed to the ” Other Side Camp”. They were prayerfully created ,with this Spiritual Springtime, we are now experiencing, deep in our hearts and minds.

While I would respectfully request that these Images be shared only in the Digital World, as they are copyrighted for other physical purposes , please accept them as a humble gift to share with loved ones, if you wish. These ” Signs of Springtime ” are shared,from our hearts to yours, in thanksgiving for the very prayerful and heartfelt Soltice,June 21, 2010, that we have just shared together. I will post one each day on FWII for 12 days. May their spiritual messages reach far and wide!

Thank you for all of your love and support that you have given to our Tiospaye. It is deeply appreciated !

With Warm and Loving Greetings,

Brother Phil

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