Support the Atlachinolli Run From Mexico City (June 21) To Sacred White Buffalo Pipe, Green Grass,S.D. ( AUG 3 ) 44 Days Atlachinolli Route.doc Atlachinolli Brochure.doc
Greetings to our Brothers and Sisters.
We wanted to let everyone know that the Atlachinolli Run has begun. On Monday June 21st 2010, at noon the runners left on their long journey towards the United states departing from the center of Mexihco Tenochtitlan, (Mexico City). They prepared for two days with ceremonies to strengthen themselves mentally, spiritually and physically. The runners will be passing through many Indigenous territories, and connecting with cultural organizations, indigenous centers and groups in major cities during their 44 day re-lay style ceremonial Run.
They are running with two sacred elements, the fire and the water, which together creates the Atlachinolli and represents “A Prayer for New Life”. The water they are carrying was collected from around the world and taken to Mexico five years ago in a 2,000 mile run by the Hopi Nation. The Mexica people returned to Hopi the following year running with their most sacred element the fire which they presented to the Hopi Elders.
This year’s sacred run brings together these elements and will be carried to South Dakota where this prayer for New Life will be passed to Chief Arvol Look Horse carrier of the 19th generation Sacred White Buffalo Pipe.
During this journey the run will be received by many people with honoring ceremonies, dances and sharing traditions, to strengthening the relationship of the people and inspire the younger generations to continue with these ways of living that honor each other and promotes respect for all life.
We are inviting all who are called to participate to please join us. There are many ways you can be involved, you can come to run with us, or join us during the receiving ceremonies in different locations (Call to find out where the local events will be, check the route). We need all people to add their prayer to the collective prayer for all life on this planet. As you all know these events are done and organized on a volunteer basis. We are only able to make this run a success by your generous tax deductable contributions. We would like to ask all of our friends and relatives to help us with a small donation between $10.00 and $100.000 so the run can continue and the runners can be taken care of in a good way during their long journey.
Attached are main run brochure, the route and the website with more information and videos of the last two runs. Your tax deductible contributions can be made payable to our non-profit GAYA-Global Alliance of Youth and Adults in Action, and mailed to 4528 7th st. Boulder Colorado. Please specify Atlachinolli In the subject line of your check as we have other projects we are working on. We appreciate your support in this prayer for new life for all people.