Support Needed For Key Mayan Elder to Attend 90th Guna Revolution Ceremony in Panama

Reuniting the Condor and Eagle, 90th Celebration of the Kuna Revolution of Feb. 25th, 1925, City of Knowledge, Panama City, Panama-Ustupu, Guna Yala,  (San Blas Islands) February 19-27, 2015

 Financial Support Needed For Key Mayan Elder to Attend 90th Guna Revolution Ceremony from Guatemala


 Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj is known around the world as the Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Maya. His spirit name in the K’iche’Maya language is Wakatel Utiw, which translates to Wandering Wolf.  Most people simply call him Tata, which means Grandfather in Mayan. Tata is 89 now and this trip to Panama to be with his Guna relatives may be one of his last. View Tata’s film award-winning film, Shift of the Ages for free. 

 COST: Including R/T Transportation (International and in-country), Lodging and Food-1.1 Airfare, International 400.00, Nacional – Usdub Community 200.00 1.2 Accommodation  400.00 1.3 Taxi 200.00 (Guatemala and Panama) 1.4 Per Diem 400.00 Total $1,600.00

To make a donation via a cheque please send it to Four Directions International, PO Box 75028, White Rock, BC, V4A 0B1, with note-“Elders to Panama”   Use PayPal for “Elders”  Use to donate in US$.  Use to donate in CAD $

 If you need a US 501c3 tax receipt please send your tax deductible donation to: URI North America, PO Box 29242San Francisco, CA 94129 and note Elders to Panama or use PayPal at If you have any questions please email me at Any additional funds raised will go to assist Elder’s attendance from Brazil and Bolivia.

 Whatever amount you can share will greatly appreciated by the Guna General Council and the Four World’s International Institute.

 Background on the Guna Revolution of February 25, 1925

After many degrading and violent abuses by military forces of the newly declared Republic of Panama, the Guna Nation declared their freedom and successfully revolted from attempts of Panamanian rule, on February 25th, 1925.Then the Guna Nation declared the first and only Indigenous Republic in the Americas! Guna leadership eventually negotiated with Panama to establish the only truly Autonomous Indigenous Nation in the Americas.

 From time immortal, the Guna’s have continued to retain their language, political structures, culture, spirituality and autonomy despite many attempts by colonizing forces to encroach on their territories.

 The 90th Anniversary Celebration and Gathering will take place in Panama City and on Guna Yala, so Guna’s living, working and attending University in and around Panama City may attend, as well as those living in Guna Yala. All Indigenous Peoples in Panama have been invited to attend!


The Guna Nation is composed of 51 communities stretched across 350 Islands in a territory 232 miles long and 130 square miles. The Guna First Nation is governed by two General Congress. One General Congress takes care of all political and economic issues and the other cares for all spiritual and cultural issues. Each General Congress meets twice a year. The ancient Indigenous symbol on the Guna Nation flag, sometimes called the “Circle of Life” or the “Whirling Logs”, is found in Indigenous Nations across the Americas, including the Hopi and Yakima Nations in North America. The “Circle of Life” turns in the opposite direction of the Nazi Swastika.

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