Link to International Treaty To Protect and Restore Mother Earth
Link to the International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth
Link to the International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth
International Mother Earth Day April 22, 2016, New York City, New York Preamble We, the Members of the Human Family
International Mother Earth Day, April 22, 2016 United Nations, New York City, New York Preamble We, the Members of the
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Francisco, CA – July 7, 2014 – The URI Global Indigenous Initiative (URIGII), recently convened Hidden Seeds of
International Mother Earth Day April 22, 2016 United Nations, New York City, New York More than 40 years ago, during
12 AM, 1/1,2016 Very Beloved Friends and Relatives, As always, It is my prayer that you and your beloved ones