Indigenous Peoples Water Declaration
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES KYOTO WATER DECLARATION Third World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan Relationship to Water 1. We, the Indigenous Peoples from
Up the River and into the Rain Forest
Beloved Relatives, With the utmost gratitude, I extend to each of you my warm love and greetings. The on-going love,
Ancient Prophecies, Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Global Civilization
Ancient Prophecies, Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Global Civilization Global Challenges and Opportunities During the past year,
What if the Holocaust Had Never Ended?
Toward a better understanding of the unresolved hatred, fear and resentment sometimes found in Canadian and US Indigenous Communities What
Guiding Principles for Healing Circles and Principles of Consultation
Talking, sharing and healing circles are useful when the topic under consideration has no right or wrong answer, or when
Dreams, Visions and Realities of the Future
Presented by Phil Lane, Jr., Chairperson of the Four Worlds International Institute to UN Secretary General, Javier Perez de Cuellar
Patterns of Abuse in Canadian Aboriginal Residential Schools
The patterns of abuse in Canadian Aboriginal Residential Schools, researched and documented by the Four Worlds International Institute for Human and