MEDIA RELEASE- December 6, 2015, UN COP 21, Paris Climate Change Conference, Paris, France

The Critical State of Mother Earth-An Urgent Call for Unprecedented, Unified Action to Stop Runaway Climate Change

The Ihanktonwan Dakota Treaty Committee, Choctaw Musgokee Yamassee Nation, Tsleil Waututh Sacred Trust, Ihanktowan Brave Heart Society, International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Consejo de Visions-Guardianes de la Tierra, Vision Council- Guardians of Earth, Four Worlds Europe, Embassy of the Earth, Fundación Cuatro Mundos, Front Siwa Lima,Salish Sea Foundation, Netherlands Centre for Indigenous People, Compassion Games International, UNO Foundation, World Conscious Pact, the Global Wisdom Summit and the Four Worlds International Institute released the report, The Critical State of Mother Earth that outlines 16 immediate actions necessary to stop Runaway Climate Change, restore the ecological function of our Mother Earth, and reunify all peoples and nations.

This historic report, completed at the Chateau Millemont, during COP 21 in Paris,  outlines the Critical State of our Mother Earth, as observed and documented by the world’s leading scientists. These recent scientific studies of the past 14 years demonstrate that Climate Change is a symptom of a larger economic and political system of plunder and exploitation of Mother Earth’s natural systems and the spreading of wastes and toxins through Earth’s ecosystems.

“Science confirms the warnings and prophecies of our wise ancestors and elders,” said Chief Phil Lane Jr., Ihanktowan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, and Chairperson of the Four Worlds International Institute and Compassion Games International, “Our elders have warned us that if we fail to live humbly, in harmony and respect with Mother Earth, then all members of the Human Family and all life forms will greatly suffer.”

“This is a unique document,” said Rex Weyler, a co-founder of Greenpeace International, who helped review all major scientific studies of the past 14 years for Four Worlds International Institute. “There is no other single document, today, that so thoroughly summarizes the critical scientific studies and demonstrates the links among the ecological challenges, including global warming, that we face as a Human Family.”

“Our new vision is, in fact, an ancient vision,” said Chief Lane. “We must leave the destructive path that has created these global challenges, and walk the life-enhancing, principle-centered path of protecting and restoring the Human Family, our future generations, and our beloved Mother Earth.”

With full support of the Ihanktonwan Dakota Treaty Committee, Choctaw Musgokee Yamassee Nation, Tsleil Waututh Sacred Trust, the Ihanktowan, Brave Heart Society of Ihanktowan, International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, Consejo de Visions-Guardianes de la Tierra, Four Worlds Europe, Embassy of the Earth, Fundación Cuatro Mundos, Front Siwa Lima,Salish Sea Foundation, Netherlands Centre for Indigenous People, Compassion Games International, UNO Foundation, World Conscious Pact, the Global Wisdom Summit and the Four Worlds International Institute!

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