“My heartfelt thanksgiving to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative Government for their on-going and deeping injustices to our Aboriginal Peoples, our fellow Canadians and Mother Earth!
These continuing and deepening injust and disrespectful actions of Prime Minister Harper and before him his Liberal Predecessors, have ignited and fully awakened a long awaited cultural and spiritual movement of Indigenous Peoples and their Allies. This cultural and spiritual Movement is growing stronger with every passing day and is and will have long wide-ranging global impacts!
As long prophesied by our Wise Elders and Visionaries, this rapidly emerging Spiritual and Cultural Movement for Protecting our Mother Earth, for uplifting of Social Justice and for Honoring our Treaties has long been gathering strength, commitment and courage in the hearts and minds of our Indigenous Peoples and other Members of the Human Family for many years! It is spiritually and culturally grounded and will not be quieted or defeated!
May we never forget, no matter how great the challenges may be before us, there is no Power on Earth or Heaven that can stop the ultimate victory by our Indigenous Peoples and our Allies in fulfilling our long-held Prophecies! We will be tested, but we will not be defeated!
As long as we continue to Walk the Red Road with our prayers, songs and ceremonies, there is no forces, of any kind, except our own disunity, that will prevent us from achieving complete victory over the greedy, International Corporate Forces leagued against us!
We are the prayers, the songs and ceremonies of those who are walking the Red Road before us! We are their spiritual representatives on Mother Earth! We have never surrendered and we will never surrender our love for our Creator, the welfare of our Indigenous Peoples and Human Family and our Sacred Covenant with our Beloved Creator that we would protect our Mother Earth and our future generations, without hesitation and with whatever sacrifice that is required!
This includes the future of all the children of Mother Earth, including the future generations of those parents and grandparents that are currently lost in the illusion of Material Wealth and Power! In their spiritual blindness that are choosing to fight a losing, but devasting battle with the natural laws of the Creator, that in the end, if successful will destroy their own children and future generations!” We will not allow this to happen!
Shared at the Idle No More Rally, the Willow Brook Mall in Langley, BC, January 19, 2013 by
Brother Phil Lane Jr., Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations