Free/Donation-Based Viewing of Shift of the Ages extended until January 15, 2013

Good Morning Beloved Friends,

We are deep into a period of heightened collective
consciousness activity around the winter solstice, and the hopes and fears around Dec 21st, 2012, who many believe is the end of the Mayan Calendar.

If you’ve had a chance to view the Shift of the Ages film you’ll know what actual Mayan elders have to say about this nonsensical, non-Mayan perceptive of their ancient system of time keeping.

The Indigenous elders with whom we work – Grand Elder Wandering Wolf, Grandmother Elizabeth Araujo and brother Phil Lane, Jr. – have made a special request of us:

They have asked us to extend the opportunity for free/donation-based viewing of Shift of the Ages as a tribute to the children who lost their lives, not only recently in the tragedy in the US, but also those innocent souls who suffer and die daily around the world. They feel it is critical that the world receives now the powerful message in Shift of the Ages.

Therefore we have decided to extend the free/donation-based viewing as part of our Global Online Benefit Premiere of Shift of the Ages until January 15th, 2013. So people around the world may view the film online, and then make donations as they feel is appropriate. This allows those who cannot afford to pay the opportunity to view it for another 25 days.

You may view Shift of the Ages film from any internet-connected computer here:

With the world obviously not ending – as many people falsely believed the Maya predicted would happen today – we have the same opportunity, as today, to greet each day anew and work with its unique energies. We always have the ability to live in two worlds simultaneously. Those who are experiencing their shift can truly give testimony to how awkward yet how delightful this sensibility can be. However, it takes courage, perseverance and compassion to be willing to shift and still live amongst those who have not.

I AM born anew every moment. I am whole this moment. I am aware of my connection with others, like the fingers of the hand. I smile in appreciation for the positive changes I see in my shifting world, and become an active part of the solution to the conflict, poverty and divisiveness in my world.

Please join us!

All our best,
Joseph R Giove and the Common Passion and Shift of the Ages Creative Teams
Founder, Executive Director

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