Dear Friends and Relatives,
I am very thankful to share with you that Four Directions International and the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII ) are completing the first Five-Year Phase of our work in support of Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples in SE Asia with our regional partner, Forum Asia. This includes the development of a principle-centred, digital ASEAN Human Rights Architecture, as the bedrock for building a People-Centred ASEAN by 2015.
The ten nations of ASEAN, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, have a population of more than 600 million people, including 250 million Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. ASEAN covers a total area of 4.5 million square kilometres and a total trade of over $1trillion US.
Deloria Many Grey Horses, President of Four Directions International and Franco Violitch, FWII DSN Coordinator, based in Bangkok, Thailand during 2010, led a two year FWII DSN ( Deep Social Networking) and Digital 4th Way Initiative, primarily focused with Ethnic Minority and Indigenous young people, in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, as well as, with Burmese Ethnic Nationality young people who are working on Human Rights and Democracy issues in Myanmar ( Burma ). The FWII DSN Initiative continues to unfold in the Region through the dedicated work of the Ethnic Minority and Indigenous Young People, who have now been certified as FWII DSN Trainers, through the two year DSN and Digital 4th Way development process.
The results of FWII`s SEARCH work with other Canadian and SE Asia Regional Partners, as well as, the 2nd Five Year, 2011-2016, Phase of the this Initiative, Utilizing the Digital 4th Way Platform for Building a People-Centred ASEAN, will be published on FWII on January 12, 2011.
With Heartfelt Prayers and Hope for a Great 2011 for All of our Relatives of the Human Family.
Brother Phil
Wednesday, January 19, 2005 — The Lethbridge Herald — Front Page
City-based organization partners in $8.2 million contract
By Caroline Boschman
Lethbridge Herald
Lethbridge-based Four Worlds and Four Directions International and its partners will soon start human rights development work in Southeast Asia thanks to a six-year, $8.2-million contract from the Canadian International Development Agency.
They will address issues like sex-trade trafficking of women and children, the plight of landless, stateless migrant workers, and the social and economic isolation ofthe region’s ethnic minorities and Indigenous peoples.
Phil Lane, Jr.International Coordinator for Four Worlds International Institute and president of Four Directions International, the economic development arm of Four Worlds,said a project team including Four Worlds will begin visiting the countries inFebruary and be involved in all aspects of the project. The majority of money will flow to their working partners in the Southeast Asian countries.
“What is so very exciting is this is part of the fulfillment of our ancient prophecies that Indigenous peoples will have a very positive impact in helping the entire humanfamily develop on Mother Earth,”Lane said. “We’re very excited to work with our partners. Geospatial Salasan and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development have done outstanding work around the world for many years.”
Both organizationsare based in Victoria, B.C… Salasan offers project management and consultingservices to national and international clients. The International Institute,part of the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria, promotesand monitors children’s rights.
The funding isprovided under the CIDA project called Southeast Asia Regional Co-operation in Human Development or SEARCH.
Through improving legal and institutional means, its purpose is to promote and protect the rights of children, ethnic minorities, Indigenous Peoples and migrant workers. The target area is comprised of seven Southeast Asian countries – Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam,the Philippines, Cambodia, People’s Democratic Republic of Laos and East Timor.
To connect the project over the entire region, SEARCH will work with selected government and non-government institutions on two themes, the rule of law and community well-being, to enhance their capacity to work across borders.Stakeholder groups will provide a base in each country.
“Four Worlds and Four Directions International will focus on the human and community well-being and capacity building dimensions of the project for EthnicMinorities and Indigenous Peoples,” Lane said. “Using the FourWorld’s models developed, working with Canada’s Indigenous peoples will soften the rights-based approach by focusing on development needs rather than a confrontational approach.”
This development-based approach involves everyone concerned and invites their participation in creating change, rather than relying solely on a top-downapproach. Equally important is respecting and being sensitive to other cultures and each nation’s unique system of governance.
“Thisis just one of many initiatives that will eventually be launched by Indigenous Peoples around the world for uplifting all members of the human family,”Lane said.
Lane received The International Award for Freedom and Human Rights from the Swiss Foundation for Freedom and Human Rights in Bern, Switzerland in 2000.