When I travelled to the sacred lands of the great tribes of Israel and Palestine, I prayed at the Wailing Wall, a Holy Place of Prayer of the great tribes of Israel for so many centuries, and I felt the Spirit of the Creator. When I prayed at those Holy Places held sacred by the great Christian tribes and nations, I felt the Spirit of the Creator and when I prayed at the Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount, and other Holy Places held sacred by the great tribes and nations of Islam, I felt the Spirit of the Creator, as I did at the Baha’i Sacred Sites on Mount Carmel.
I equally felt the Spirit of Creator at the Buddhist and Hindu Holy Places that I was honoured and privileged to visit on spiritual pilgrimages to Thailand and India, just as I always feel the Spirit of the Creator at the Holy Places held sacred by Indigenous Peoples around the world. These spiritual journeys brought me to the realization that every Holy Place, every Sacred Site, on Mother Earth, is simply a reflection of that Divine, Holy Place that resides in the sacredness of every human heart and soul. That we are each a Sovereignty, Ancient, Imperishable and Everlasting.
I look forward with great hope and expectation to the day when all of humanities’ Sacred Sites will be considered to be part of the infinite spiritual heritage and divine treasury of all members of the human family and will be governed accordingly. That each will become Sacred Places of international peace, and unity, and not the source of war, hatred, revenge, or conflict.