Clear Path out Of Deepening Global Crises-Transformation of Human Consciousness and Spiritual Understanding

It is becoming clearer, with every passing day, that the path out our deepening global crises, in every form, is an individual and collective transformation of human consciousness and spiritual understanding of the Oneness of the Human Family! The reality that ” The Hurt of One is the Hurt of All and the Honor of One is the Honor of All!

The dynamic global crises we are experiencing are not just environmental. The deteriorating situation is merely a hologram of what is happening economically, politically, ethically, and socially, everywhere on Mother Earth. Each of the global challenges before us is monumental, in and of themselves. What is becoming very apparent is that we are approaching an intersection where each of these difficulties is poised to meet, a crossroad of global catastrophic potential.

We have very critical decisions before us. Each has their apparent consequences. The prophecies and warnings of the Ancient Ones, our Wise Elders and our Spiritual Teachers and Messengers are crystal clear. This global movement that, on one hand is spiraling downward with increasing disintegration, entropy and destruction will continue until the life-enhancing and life preserving spiritual teachings and guiding principles that are at the heart of all living cultures and religious traditions awaken, integrate and unify within each of us. As the spiritual love, compassion, strength and unity of our Indigenous Peoples and other Members of the Human Family prayerfully awakens, surges, and gains strength, we will, without question, manifest the fullness of the Sacred Path of Healing, Compassion, Reconciliation, Forgiveness, and Unity  long foretold in our Ancient Prophecies.

At the same time, In order to mitigate, reduce and avert the devastating, heart-rending global destruction that is looming before us, we have a responsibility, both individually and collectively to take bold, courageous, unified, co-creative and selfless action toward the positive alternatives that are required, without giving our spiritual and physical energy away fighting the negative and indulging fear. The choice of how our individual and collective future will unfold, regarding timing and severity, is in each of our hands. The defining decisions, which will ultimately, as promised, lead us to a sustainable, harmonious, compassionate, unified and peaceful Future, are primarily spiritual in nature. May we all, make our decisions, with the utmost compassion, wisdom, selflessness, humility, faith, and world-embracing vision.

With Warm and Loving Greetings,

Brother Phil Jr.

Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations

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