Turning Vancouver into the Tar Sands Shipping Port
Imagine What May Happen! Here is Kinder Morgan’s own presentation for investors provided by Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada. Of […]
Imagine What May Happen! Here is Kinder Morgan’s own presentation for investors provided by Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada. Of […]
9 de Julio de 1971. Al estar sentado en el corazón de la Isla del Sol, Lago Titicaca (Bolivia) con mi querido
LA CUARTA VÍA El Encuentro México indigena Una Contribución Indígena para Construir Prosperidad Sostenible y
Protecting the Sacred-Urgent Unified Spiritual Actions Needed 3rd Annual International Indigenous Leaders Gathering Lillooet, British Columbia Key Note Summary, Reflections
World Peace and Prayer Day “All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer” is respecting each others’ traditions, culture and religions Very
AGENDA 3rd Annual International Indigenous Leadership Gathering 2011 “PROTECTING THE SACRED” ~HOSTED BY THE ST’AT’IMC CHIEFS COUNCIL~ (Please Note: There are
Mr. Thomas Banyacya sprinkled corn meal next to the podium of the General Assembly and made a brief remark in
Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq’ij (is a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide) of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an
Prior to the arrival of the first European explorers an Indigenous network based in spiritual and cultural relationships and protocols
Ms. Casey Camp, a Ponca Indian woman, describes the suffering her Nation has undergone during forced relocation, and continues to