If the Government of Canada is willing to take this kind of very aggressive, international action toward the European Union, as described by the linked Guardian article below, what is the Government Of Canada and their Multi-National Oil Industry Partners capable of doing to First Nations and Canadian Citizens that are standing up to Protect and Restore the Sacred from the Tar Sands and related Pipe-Lines and Oil Tankers? We know , in detail, what the Government of Canada and thier Representatives were willing to do to multiple generations of more than 150,000 defenceless Aboriginal Children in Canadian Indian Residential Schools. The Government of Canada and their representatives committed large scale sexual, physical, emotional, and mental abuse, as well as, massive cultural genocide!
It seems clear that effectively addressing any dimension of the Alberta Tar Sands and related Pipe Lines and Tankers, will take an unbreakable, unified action of First Nations Communities, Environmental Organizations, Citizen’s of Canada, as well as, related International Support, never before seen or actualized. This unity will only be achieved by fully revitalizing, standing together and acting from within an Indigenous Legal Order, as reflected by documents like the Save the Frazier Declaration, the Yinka-Dene Alliance and the Rights of Mother Earth, in coordination with support of the International Legal Order and other members of the Human Family.