The “Tree of Souls” in the film Avatar is the Na’vi “link” to the spiritual and guiding force Eywa. The Na’vi held the Sacred Tree of Souls in great respect and understood that without it, their way of life and their world, would die.
In the book, The Sacred Tree, Indigenous values and traditions are taught as a primary key to unlocking the spiritual force of the Archetype of the Sacred Tree that will move us on the path of personal growth and development. Indigenous Elders prophesy that by returning to the life-preserving and life-enhancing spiritual values and guiding principles of the Sacred Tree, Indigenous Peoples and the Human Family will be awakened and transformed.
This transformation will have a healing effect on all of Mother Earth. We will all come to realize that we are Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth.
The symbolism of The Sacred Tree is found at the heart of the cultural and spiritual traditions of all members of the Human Family. With great love and respect for those Walking the Red Road of spiritual understanding and personal growth, please enjoy this excerpt from The Sacred Tree.
“For all the people of the earth, the Creator has planted a Sacred Tree under which they may gather, and there find healing, power, wisdom, and security. The roots of this tree spread deep into the body of Mother Earth. Its branches reach upward like hands praying to Father Sky. The fruits of this tree are the good things the Creator has given to the people: Teachings that show the path to love, compassion, generosity, patience, wisdom, justice, courage, respect, humility and many other wonderful gifts.
The Ancient Ones taught us that the life of the Tree is the life of the people. If the people wander far away from the protective shadow of the Tree, if they forget to seek the nourishment of its fruit or they should turn against the Tree and attempt to destroy it, great sorrow will fall upon the people. Many will become sick at heart. The people will lose their power. They will cease to dream dreams and see visions. They will begin to quarrel among themselves over worthless trifles. They will become unable to tell the truth and to deal with each other honestly. They will forget how to survive in their own land. Their lives will become filled with anger and gloom. Little by little, they will poison themselves and all they touch.
It was foretold that these things would come to pass, but that the Tree would never die. And as long as the Tree lives, the people live. It was also foretold that the day would come when the people would awaken, as if from a long, drugged sleep; that they would begin, timidly at first but then with great urgency, to search again for the Sacred Tree.
The knowledge of its whereabouts and of the fruits that adorn its branches have always been carefully guarded and preserved within the minds and hearts of our wise elders and leaders. These humble, loving and dedicated souls will guide anyone who is honestly and sincerely seeking along the path leading to the protecting shadow of the Sacred Tree.”
The Sacred Tree includes a forward by Dr. Jane Goodall, UN Messenger of Peace, and author of My Life with the Chimpanzees
The Sacred Tree is available in English and Spanish, US residents may order at 4 Worlds Native American Bookstore
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The Sacred Tree has been translated in more than 10 languages. Please email for more information.