Important Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on […]
I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on […]
October 27, 2016 Oceti Sakowin Camp, Cannon Ball, Stand Rock Sioux Tribe Presented by URI Global Trustees and Elders, Audrey
“Whether peace occurs after unimaginable horrors precipitated by humanity’s stubborn clinging to old patterns of behavior, or is to be
International Mother Earth Day, April 22, 2016 New York City, New York Preamble We, the Members of the Human Family
It is becoming clearer, with every passing day, that the path out our deepening global crises, in every form, is
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, May 23, 2016 YANKTON SIOUX CONTACT: Thomasina Real Bird, Yankton Sioux Tribe (303) 673-9600 or Jason
Executive Summary Given the present conditions in most Canadian First Nations, it is clear that merely tinkering with or adjusting
Prophecies, Unprecedented Change and the Emergence of a New Global Civilization Global Challenges and Opportunities During the past year, the
A Global Call and Heartfelt Invitation to all Members of Human Family, to unite with Indigenous Peoples from across the
Link to the International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth