Beloved Members of the Global Council of Indigenous Women and Allies,
The Connective Tissue that binds our Human Family together with Mother Earth and Father Sky is Womenkind. Just as all members of the Human Family are born and nourished from and on the Sacred Breasts of our Beloved Mother Earth, so does Womenkind give birth to and nourish our Future Generations, in loving partnership with Mankind.
When all Beloved Sisters are regrounded and reunited in our intimate Oneness with Mother Earth and all Life, so will the Countless Generations that issue forth from our Sacredness live in harmony with All Life. As we actualize our infinite, sacred potentialities, in harmony and balance with all Life, Peace on Earth will dynamically unfold and actualize, as promised.
We extend our heartfelt invitation and we welcome you and your Beloved Ones to support and participate in the Global Council of Indigenous Women’s Sacred Vision and Intent. The Global Council of Indigenous Women is Dedicated to Unifying the Awakened and Awakening Indigenous Women, Mother Earth, including gently awakening those who are asleep, including ourselves, for Unprecedented, Unified, Action to Protect and Restore the Sacredness of All Life.
The Global Council has a Page and Group. The Page is open to all who may be interested. The “Group”, we would rather call it a Circle, as a Sacred Place of Learning and Sharing of Beloved Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, Mothers, Daughters, and Granddaughters who were born and nourished on the Sacred Breasts of Mother Earth. This is our spiritual and non-political perspective as Indigenous Peoples. While some may not understand or appreciate this perspective, this Unity Consciousness, in time, will enlighten and illumine every member of our Human Family.
Womenkind ~ beloved Grandmothers, Aunts Sisters, Mothers, Daughters and Granddaughters ~ are the very Core and Foundation of the “Sacred Hoop of Many Hoops”, as envisioned by Ogala Lakota Visionary, Black Elk, as well as other similar Prophetic Symbols found in Indigenous Prophecies across the Americas, and in other Faiths and Spiritual Traditions from around the world..
With Great Respect, Love, and Honor to all our Sisters of our Mother Earth,
The Global Council of Indigenous Women
Global Council of Indigenous Women – PAGE Global Council of Indigenous Women – GROUP