A Dakota Elder’s Perspective On Educating Children

In our relationship with our children and grandchildren always look at the big picture.  Encourage and support them through all phases of their development.  Don’t be short sighted or narrow.  Try to visualize the young man or woman – fully in balance on all four sides, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Do not restrict children to time limits.  Permit them to be free – no clock, which comes all too soon.

Never trap a child in any situation; always give them a way to escape.  Don’t ever put a child’s dignity in jeopardy.  This is a good time and place to tell them an interesting and meaningful “ohukaka” story’ a story that teaches them the spiritual meanings and lessons of life.

Don’t ever be critical of a child, even though it may be deserved.  Be wise in your appraisal of any situation and address it in a positive tone rather than in a negative way.

Be very positive in rewarding the honesty of children.This is the very foundation of integrity (moral soundness).  You can never give them too much.

Phil Lane Sr., Mato Gi, Brown Bear, Ihanktonwan Dakota, Jan 11, 1915-March 29, 2004

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