AGENDA 2nd Annual International Indigenous Leadership Gathering May 31st-June 6th, 2010


2nd Annual International Indigenous Leadership Gathering

May 31st-June 6th, 2010

‘Protecting the Sacred’

Sacred Knowledge…

Sacred Land…

Sacred Generations…

Sacred Ceremony…


Xaxli’p community-St’at’imc Territory

(Xaxli’p aka Fountain Valley is located 30 minutes from Lillooet-there will be pink

ribbons to guide your way from Lillooet to the Gathering site)


 There will be an opening Pipe Ceremony at the top of Sacred

Mountain on Sunday May 30th leaving the bottom at 7am

with Pipe Ceremony to commence at 9am. The walk to the top

is approximately a 1.5 hour hike.

 There will be open Sweatlodge, Pipe, TeePee and other

Ceremonies for the duration of the Gathering. Please submit

your name to Marie Barney and register at the head table

if you wish to conduct a Ceremony.

 Women: The Moonlodge and Moonlodge Ceremonies will be

available to you for the duration of the Gathering. We will be

providing various teachers that will help with developing

learning tools and teachings for all wish to attend the


All meals will be served on-site

MONDAY MAY 31, 2010

‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30 am – Sunrise and Swetalodge Ceremonies:

Matilda Brown, Ernie Thevarge, Frank Andrew

Fire Keeper: Richard Duncan

 9:00 am-Welcoming by Host community & Hand Drummers

Open Pipe Ceremony to follow-All Pipe Carriers are welcome

to fill their Pipes and share in the Ceremony and Prayer with

pre-appointed Speakers:

Tribal Chair Mike Leech, Rodger Adolph, Matilda Brown,

Gerry Oldman

 Introduction-Darrell Bob – Gathering Coordinator

 Welcoming -by St’at’imc Chiefs Council Chairperson

Mike Leech

 Overview-Gathering Chairperson Garry John

 Talking about the Sacred Mountain-Roger Adolph


 1:30-5:00pm Living in Harmony-Steven Augustine,

Gerry Oldman


 Evening Teachings with morning presenters

 Evening Sweatlodge Ceremonies

TUESDAY JUNE 1st , 2010

‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)


Opening Prayer and Ceremony-Rene Franco Salas, Peru

9:00 am-Dr. Lee Brown-Cherokee wisdom keeper


2:30pm-Geshe YongDong, Tibetan Buddhist (Bon)


Evening Teachings-from the traditions of day time speakers and by

presenters to be announced


‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30am-Sunrise Ceremony-Sweatlodge Ceremony

Fire Keeper-Richard Duncan


 9:00am – Phil Lane Jr.-Dakota/Chickasaw


 2:30-David Courchene – The 7 laws


 Evening teachings from the traditions of day time speakers

and presenters to be announced

 Evening Sweatlodge Ceremony


‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30am-Sunrise Ceremony-Sweatlodge Ceremony

Fire Keeper-Richard Duncan


 9:00am-Cirilo Oxlaj ‘Wandering Wolf’-Grand Elder


 11:00am-Alex Ahenakew-Cree


 2:30-Jacob Sanderson


 Evening Teachings by daytime speakers and presenters to be




‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30am-Sunrise Ceremony-Sweatlodge Ceremony

Fire Keeper-Richard Duncan


 Presentations throughout the day from the Women

Paula Mullen-Horne-Dakota

Mona Polacca-Hopi, of the 13 Grandmothers

Elizabeth Araujo

Matilda Brown-St’at’imc



 Evening Sweatlodge Ceremonies


‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30am-Sunrise Ceremony-Sweatlodge Ceremony

Fire Keeper-Richard Duncan


 9:00am-Arvol Looking Horse-19th generation White buffalo

Calf Woman Pipe Carrier-History of Pipe carrier

responsibilities, responsibilities of our traditional teachings


 2:15-Tsengel Purevsuren-Mongolia

 Special Ceremony to be announced


 Evening-Cultural Sharing through Song/Dance/Drumming

Entertainment/Fun-register your name with Lalo at the

Head table if you wish to share with us

 Evening Sweatlodge Ceremonies


‘Protecting the Sacred’

(Please submit your name &register at the Head table if you wish

to offer a ceremony. The Moonlodge is available all week.)

 5:30-7:30am-Sunrise Ceremony-Sweatlodge Ceremony

Fire Keeper-Richard Duncan


 Closing Ceremonies

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