On June 25, 1876, 134 years ago today, the US Military, under the leadership of General George Armstrong Custer suffered the most devastating defeat of their history at the Greasy Grass (Little Big Horn) when the 7th Calvary attacked a peaceful camp of our Dakota, Nakota and Lakota Nation and our Cheyenne and Arapaho allies and relatives, just after we had completed a Sacred Sun Dance Ceremony, June 18-21. This Sun Dance was led by Tatanka Yotanka (Chief Sitting Bull). Tȟašúŋke Witkó and Pizí, (Chiefs Crazy Horse and Gall) led the response to Custer and the 7th Calvary’s unprovoked attack. The battle lasted less than an hour.
This act of self defence eventually led to the murder of both Chief’s Crazy and Sitting Bull by the US Government. The fact that these disgraceful acts by the US Government were assisted by some Lakota and Hunkpapa relatives was the most painful, enduring and disuniting wound of all.These Divide and Conquer strategies continue to be the modis operendi by the forces of colonialism everywhere on Mother Earth.
Tȟašúŋke Witkó fought the US Military 22 times and defeated them 22 times. He promised he would return in the Thunder, Lightning and the Rain! He died from bayonet wounds in his back on September 5, 1877 at 36 years old.
Chief Gall,pictured below, fought together with Crazy Horse, Low Dog and many others, fought together in unity as, “One Heart and One Mind in Many Bodies,” 134 years ago today! May all those who fell on that Battle Field that day and those who have suffered since be remembered in our heartfelt prayers.May we all find a 4th Way that transcends assimilation, resignation and confrontation and violence !