What Is The Most Sacred, The Most Powerful ,The Most Meaningful and The Most Holy Ceremony Of All Ceremonies?

Some years ago, a beloved tribal grandmother asked me a deep, soul-searching

“Grandson,” she said, “what is the Most Sacred, the Most Powerful, the Most Holy , the the Most Meaningful Ceremony of All Ceremonies?”

With some pride, I began to recount some of the traditional tribal ceremonies that I had participated in over the years. After I was finished describing the Sun Dance, the Sweat Lodge, Vision Questing, and other ceremonies I had participated in, she said, “Grandson, those are all very Sacred, Powerful, and Holy Ceremonies, but the Most Sacred, the Most Powerful, the Most Holy of all Ceremonies is the Birth of a Child.”

Then, she looked very, very deeply into my eyes and soul and said, “Then who are you?”

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