Southeast Asia, White Swan Sun Dance, Little Big Horn Battle, Other Side Camp and Back

Very Beloved Friends and Relatives,

As always, it is my prayer and hope that you and your loved ones are in the very best of health and happiness.

My heartfelt welcome to all our new FWII community members and my great thanksgiving to all community members,past and present, for sharing your presence, your warm,loving welcome with new community members, your blogs, your videos and your events. Your ongoing leadership and participation with our councils and forums is deeply appreciated.

While the “digital challenges” of travel, extensive meetings, new learning and experiences and long needed visits to beloved relatives, reduced my capacity to respond to messages and to share digitally, I was able to follow Four Worlds digital activities almost daily. In the next days I look forward to sharing with you a number of exciting new developments in actualizing the Reunion of the Condor and Eagle, the 4th Way and our on-going work in SE Asia.

It’s wonderful to be home again after six weeks of air and car travel that took me from White Rock to Southeast Asia and back. Then on to our White Swan Sun Dance in our Ihanktawan ( Yankton Sioux) homeland in SE South Dakota via Spokane , Billings and Rapid City. After three days of driving we arrived at our Sun Dance,late in the afternoon, to the sound of Sacred Songs and Eagle Bone Whistles.!” I saw more than I could understand and I understood more than I could say.”

On the last afternon of the Sun Dance ,I was given the honor of dancing with the Eagle Staff, in the Four Directions,before the Sacred Tree. Although I was physically sore for some days afterwards, I felt like I could dance on forever and ever and ever.We danced for along time facing South, right in front of Sacred Heart Beat of the Sun Dance Drum. Song after Song, Drum Beat after Drum Beat, Step after Step, I looked and prayed to the South for the swift realization of the Reunion of Condor and Eagle and the 4th Way. All the while the southern clouds made Sacred Designs that all could see. As the Ancient Ones tell us, we are the stars of the heaven of understanding, the breeze that stirs at the break of day, the soft-flowing waters that nourish all living things, our lives wonderously and mysteriously passing as quickly as a flash of lighting on a warm summer night!

After this most wonderful and inspiring spiritual communion and visit with beloved relatives we were ready for the trip home and whatever our Beloved Creator has prepared for us to experiece in the coming year. On our drive home we prayerfully stopped at the Little Bighorn Battle Memorial,Tigers first visit to where his Great, Great Grandfathers, Low Dog and Gall, along with Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and so many other brave and beloved warriors and soldiers fought, were wouded and died, just over 134 years ago.We walked up, on top, along and down the hill sides, praying for that days victors, the defeated and those who loved them. It all deeply reminded that each of us, in our own time and place, will quietly and peacefully join them. I wondered and relected on what beautful, uplifting, inspiring and healing memories that will linger with our beloved ones after we pass to the, ” Other Side Camp!”

My hearfelt thanksgiving to Tiger and Suthida for being such great and patient traveling partners and for the kind and gracious love and hospitality of those beloved relatives we met and visited with along the way.

With Warm and Loving Greetings, Brother Phil

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