War Is Not Inevitable! Peace Is Inevitable!

“War is not inevitable. Peace is inevitable, if we are willing to explore the inherent truth of human unity – if we are willing to contemplate the undeniable fact that we’re all one, that we are interdependent and interconnected. This compelling truth of human unity needs to be called upon at a time of division. It needs to be insisted upon. It needs to resound with the historical precedent of America’s first motto, “e pluribus unum”: out of many, we are one.

And so, I’m dedicated to continuing to work for an international policy where we work with the world community, where we use structures of international law and adhere to and participate in them, where we begin to understand that our role in the world cannot be as policeman of the world, and where we work with the nations of the world to achieve security for all people.

We need to support a cabinet-level department of peace, which would serve to make nonviolence an organizing principle of our society. The department would address issues of violence in our own society as well as head off war, through having somebody in the cabinet who could advise the president on nonviolent conflict resolution.

Why wouldn’t we want to explore peaceful means of conflict resolution? We’ve explored war and war doesn’t work. This is a different world. It’s not World War II anymore. There’s a whole different technological structure to society.

Why aren’t our social structures keeping pace? Why don’t we demand that we come into rhythm with what is really an impulse toward unity? ”

Dennis Kucinich

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