Global Implications Of Ancient Spiritual Truth-” Hurt Of One Is Hurt Of All And Honor Of One Is Honor Of All.”

It is only through understanding, experiencing, developing and manifesting our spiritual nature and capacities as human beings, in harmony and balance with our physical nature, will we be able to fully understand the ancient spiritual truth that “the hurt of one, is the hurt of all and the honor of one, is the honor of all.”

In fact, even the scientific world is echoing this sacred truth. With work on the human genome now substantially complete, the clear result is, except for a few superficial surface features, that we, the human family are all 99.9% the same. We are all related! We are much more alike, than we are different!

Therefore, we also need to respect and honor all the different Spiritual Traditions and Sacred Teachings of the human family, that help us to become more loving, kind, forgiving, gentle, and just human beings. In fact, if we look deeply, we will find that each of our Spiritual Traditions teach us to love and respect others and their loved ones, as we would want others to love and respect ourselves and our loved ones.

It is with this spirit of love, respect, truth, and understanding that we need to respect, honor, and protect the Holy Places and Sacred Sites of all members of the human family.

When I traveled to the sacred lands of the great Tribes of Israel and Palestine, I prayed at the Wailing Wall, a Holy Place of Prayer of the great tribes of Israel for so many centuries, and I felt the Spirit of the Creator. When I prayed at those Holy Places held sacred by the great Christian tribes, I felt the Spirit of the Creator and when I prayed at the Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount and other Holy Places held sacred by the great tribes of Islam, I felt the Spirit of the Creator. I equally felt the Spirit of Creator at the Buddhist and Hindu Holy Places that I made a spiritual pilgrimage to in both Thailand and India, just as I always feel the Spirit of the Creator at the Holy Places held sacred by Indigenous Peoples around the world. Even more important is the full realization that every Holy Place, every Sacred Site, on Mother Earth, is simply a reflection of that Divine, Sacred and Holy Place that resides in the sacredness of every human heart and soul.

I look forward with great hope and expectation to the day when all of humanities’ Holy Places and Sacred Sites will be considered to be part of the infinite spiritual heritage and divine treasury of all members of the human family and will be governed accordingly, as Holy Places and Sacred Sites of international peace and unity, and not the source of war, hatred, revenge, or conflict.

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