There Is Only One Race, The Human Race

Only when our hearts experience the divine reality that there is only one race, the human race, and that Mother Earth is the common spiritual heritage of all living beings, will we then be able to develop the economic, educational, social and political systems that are life preserving, life sustaining, and everlasting. Then and only then, will we be able to completely eliminate the growing extremes of wealth and poverty that is being supported and fuelled by the spirit destroying sickness of unbridled materialism and consumerism. For a truly spiritually enlightened humanity would never tolerate a world where 80% of our beloved family members live in substandard housing, where 70% of our beloved family members are unable to read and write, where 50% of our beloved family members suffer from malnutrition and survive on less than $2.00 [U.S. dollars] a day, an unbalanced world where only 6% of humanity possesses 60% of the world’s wealth. A world where our beloved Mother Earth and her many life forms is on the verge of complete destruction in the name of economic progress and selfish consumption led by a small minority of the human family.

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