Dear Beloved Relatives,
It is with great gratitude and inspiration that I share with you this FWII DSN Newsletter that reflects the growing digital movement of unity and purpose within the 250 million Ethnic Minority and Indigenous young people of the ten nations of the Association Of SE Asian Nations (ASEAN). These nations include, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines,Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar( Burma), Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia. These synergistic digital movement of young people is gaining momentum as all these nation move toward their collective of a “People-C entered” ASEAN by 2015.
My heartfelt thanksgiving to our FWII DSN team of Deloria Many Grey Horses, Francisco Violich, Tom Litchfield, Pitipat Phairotsuphasin, and Budhie Himawan and Elder Advisor, Sister Bernice, for their very dedicated and tireless work over the past two years supporting this embryonic DSN movement young people. This FWII digital initiative is now unfolding on-line in six languages utilized within ASEAN.
What is most exciting is that our FWII DSN work is now merging and unifying with many other similar digital youth initiatives within ASEAN and around the world. As I have had the blessing of witnessing this deepening process of regional and global peace-building, unification and principle-centred change through the long prophesied “Every-where Spirit That Will Be Made Manifest!” This same prophecy promised when this happened, the long Spiritual Wintertime of 500 years would be over and with dynamic change of the new Spiritual Springtime all that was hidden will be fully revealed.
With Warm and Loving Greetings,
Brother Phil
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