How long is it going to take for us to wake up to the reality that the very materialistic system and ideology that has and continues to try and destroy us as Sovereign Nations of the Americas is not going to change? Democrats or Republicans, Conservatives, Liberals or the New Democratic Party! The issue is systemic and no one person or current political party is going to change this reality!
For instance, President Obama, was adopted into the Crow Nation by the Black Eagle Family and bestowed the sacred name, “One Who Helps People Throughout the Land”, during his first election campaign. At that time President Obama made pre-election promises to Native Americans that they would be a top priority, Nation to Nation, on his agenda when he became President.
Why then has the United States of America remained the last nation in the world still not to have signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. And today as President Obama moves into his second term why are Native Americans still facing the highest poverty, unemployment, suicide, infant mortality and school dropout rates in the United States, as well as, a 7.5 percent cut-back in funding in 2013 Federal Budget? Why would President Obama even hesitate in not allowing Keystone XL, knowing full well the very strong opposition to Keystone XL by Native American Nations Tribes and our Allies!
Even, Prime Minister Harper and Canada signed the UN Declaration before the United States, which was second to the last. Then, after signing the UN Declaration and Prime Minister Harper’s Residential School Apology and his very solemn promises made at the time of that Apology, promises very similar to those made by President Obama, look at what Prime Minister Harper is doing.
Prime Minister Harper and the Conservative Party, from my perspective, are taking very clear actions toward abrogating Aboriginal Treaties across Canada. In British Columbia where most of Indigenous lands have never been surrendered or ceded, Prime Minister Harper and the Conservative Party are simply removing any legal obstacles to approve the Tar Sands Pipelines and related Tankers and whatever else they need to do extract British Columbia’s natural resources ,without any free, prior and informed consent of First Nations. Again, this on First Nations lands whose lands that have never been surrendered or ceded to the Government of Canada.
Aboriginal Land Claims? From my perspective, under the legal circumstances it should be called Canadian Land Claims!
If, to the South, President Obama approves the Keystone XL Pipeline, that is very strongly opposed by American Indian tribes and other impacted Americans, the “One Who Helps People Throughout the Land” will demonstrate, when it comes to treaties and the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples and Nations, that he is no different than Prime Minister Harper. Like my beloved father used to tell me,
“Son, watch their feet not their mouth!”
Despite the materialistic forces leagued against us, I have complete faith that our younger generations of the 7th Generation are not going to put up any longer with the dishonesty, injustice and broken promises of Canada and the US any longer and are in the process of taking charge of our future. It is their promised destiny to rebuild our future and the future of Canada on the spiritual and cultural values that have allowed us to survive this ongoing, attempted Holocaust of Cultural and Spiritual Genocide!
Phil Lane Jr. is a member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations and is an internationally recognized leader in human and community development and is a traditionally recognized hereditary Chief. He was born at the Haskell Indian Residential School where his mother and father met and attended school. In 1982, he was a founding member of the organization for which he still works as International Coordinator: Four Worlds International Institute, a non-profit that unites the peoples of multiple Tribes and Nations in development efforts. Reprinted from Guest Commentary, NATIVE CONDITION, Analysis and Opinion, http://…