Our heartfelt Thanksgiving to everyone supporting the Community of Wakpala to build a new Playground and Basketball Court in honor of their young Water Protector and Elders! The funds raised, so far, will make the new Basketball Court. What needs funding in the next two days is the Playground for the children.
The Community of Wakpala are the People of Chief Gall, highly respected and esteemed Hunkpapa Lakota Warrior and Spiritual Leader. What Chief Gall achieved, in unity with Warriors and Chiefs of the Oceti Sakowin and Arapahoe and Cheyenne Allies, in 1876, was never achieved again, until the Mni Wiconi and No DAPL Movement started in Wakpala, March 26, 2016.
The rapidly growing Mni Wiconi Movement, long prophesied, is unprecedented in the history of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island and the Americas. Never before have more than 300 Indigenous First Nations, with Allies of the Human Family, from everywhere on Mother Earth, stood together in unity, to Protect the Sacred and Future Generation! Never before has the vision and sacred values of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, visibly impacted all Members of the Human Family!
To understand the Mni Wiconi Movement today, we need to return to 1876! Chief Gall, at the Little Big Horn, after a Sacred Sun Dance honoring Chief Crazy Horse, unified with Oceti Sakowin warriors and chiefs and Cheyenne and Arapaho Allies delivered the US Military the greatest military defeat in US History, at the Little Bighorn, June 25, 1876.
For this concerted action to protect their families, at a time of prayer and ceremony, on territory not ceded in the Fort Laramie, Treaty the Oceti Sakowin were very cruelly and unjustly punished! After the US Military suffered their justly deserved, crushing defeat at Greasy Grass, the US Congress responded with the “sell or starve” rider (19 Stat. 192) enacted August 15, 1876!
This illegal action cut off all rations for the Sioux Nation until they terminated hostilities and ceded the Black Hills to the United States. These cruel efforts included the purposeful slaughter of the Buffalo of almost 300 Million Buffalo to a few thousand, by 1880. One US General believed that buffalo hunters “did more to defeat the Indian nations in a few years than soldiers did in 50 years.
Despite the great injustice, cruelty, undeserved punishment they suffered and continued to suffer, the People of Chief Gall never ceased practicing Cultural and Spiritual Teachings love, integrity, and generosity toward all members of the Human Family.
The charitable record of the Standing Rock Sioux and the Community of Wakpala is more than outstanding. You can only imagine the great personal sacrifice for the “dirt poor” Communities of Standing Rock to contribute to charitable efforts substantially off the Reservation, but they gave willingly, to those in need, everywhere on Mother Earth
During the early days of WWI, before the United States entered the war, the Standing Rock Sioux, led by the Community of Wakpala, generously donated to Belgium and Armenian relief efforts. They made dramatic contributions to the victims of the San Francisco earthquake and later to flood victims in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Wakpala also donated to Chinese relief programs, as well.
Every member of the Standing Rock Agency was a member of the Red Cross in 1917. That same year more than 5,000 young Oceti Sakowin men voluntarily entered the United States Army, even though they were US citizens.
Once again, the Oceti Sakowin and Allies are rising, as prophesied! With the concerted and inspiring actions of the young people of Wakpala, guided by the prayers of their Elders, a global movement to Protect and Restore the Sacred is unfolding, as long prophesied. The Sacred Message, Mni Wiconi, Water is Life, is being acted upon and echoed across Mother Earth, everywhere, all once!
We pray, with just two days to go, that each of us join us in raising the remaining funds to build a new playground for the Children of Wakpala. The Grandchildren of Chief Gall! It is not how much you contribute, but it is your participation that counts.
Wopila Tanka, Wakpala!
Contribution Link Below!
https://www.facebook.com/donate/1637537182986736/ Or go to Paypal and send to 4worlds@uleth.ca.