9th Annual Aboriginal Circle of Educator’s Conference-Sustaining Our Ways:Educating for Sustainability

Sustaining Our Ways:

Educating for Sustainability

9th Annual A.C.E. Conference


8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

February 16- 17, 2012


Victoria Inn

1808 Wellington Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keynote Speaker:  Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.


 Friday, February 17, 2012

Keynote Speaker:  Dave Courchene Jr.




Come engage yourself in the professional development learning

Opportunity that you’ve been waiting for!




Workshops—Thursday, February 16, 2012


9:10-9:45 a.m.

Keynote Speaker: Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.—Centennial Room 1

Cultural and Spiritual Values-The Sacred Foundation of Aboriginal Education”


A.M. 1

10:00-11:15 a.m.

Keynote Workshop with Phil Lane, Hereditary Chief & Jordan Bighorn

“Developing Aboriginal Curricula Centred in the Voices of Aboriginal Young People”

will be held be in Centennial 1

 A.M. 2

10:00-11:15 a.m.

Workshop 1

Centennial 3

Family Programs—A Generation of Change

Diana Elliott

Workshop 2

Centennial 4

 Overview of the Treaty Education initiative for K-12: TRCM

James Wilson

Workshop 3

Centennial 5

The Importance of Early Years towards Graduation Success

Karen Davis, Colleen Cawood & Valerie Gendron


Enjoy! Network! Visit the Trade Show and Silent Auction!—Centennial Hall

P.M. 1

12:30-1:45 p.m.

Workshop 1

Centennial 3

Medicine Wheel Gardening

Maureen Quinsey &

Rhonda Morrissette

Workshop 2

Centennial 4

Empowering the Voices of Youth with Aboriginal Literature Integrated into Curriculum

Dr. Helen D. Armstrong



Workshop 3

Centennial 5

Literature through Dance

Jessica McMann

P.M. 2

2:00-3:15 p.m.

Workshop 1

Centennial 3

Celebrating Strengths- Positive  School Experiences

Lydia Hedrich & Sherry Denysuik



Workshops—Friday, February 17, 2012


A.M. 1

9:10-9:45 a.m.

Keynote Speaker: Dave Courchene—Centennial Room 1

“Sustaining Aboriginal Education”


 A.M. 2

10:00-11:15 a.m.

Workshop 1

Centennial 3

Empowered and Engaged Adolescents

Val Noseworthy, Karen Courchene, & Rosalind Robb

Workshop 2

Centennial 4

Cultural Warriors

Kevin Lamoureux


Workshop 3

Centennial 5

Our Children Our Future:

Janice Millar



Enjoy! Network! Visit the Trade Show and Silent Auction!—Centennial Room 1

P.M. 1

12:30-1:45 p.m

(break at 1:45 to 2:00 pm)


Workshop 1

Centennial 3

Empowered and Engaged Adolescents

Val Noseworthy, Karen Courchene, & Rosalind Robb

Workshop 2

Centennial 4

Pen to Paper Journaling

Leona Daniels & Leah Morgan

Workshop 3

Centennial 5

The Five Pillars of Hip Hop

Samir Hathout

Workshop 4

Centennial 1

First Nations Education For Sustainability – Ways of Knowing

Elder Myra Laramee



Keynote Speakers

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr. , M.Ed, M.P.A.

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. is an enrolled member of the Yankton Sioux and Chickasaw First Nations and is an internationally recognized leader in human and community development.  He was born at the Haskell Indian School in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1944, where his mother and father met and attended school.

Chief Lane is Chairman of the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII) and Four Directions International. He has worked in Aboriginal Education for more than 45 years. A primary focus of Phil and FWII’s work, at this time, is focused across South East Asia, the Americas and beyond, toward supporting the actualization of the Reunion of the Condor and Eagle Prophecy, through the use of newly emerging digital communications technologies. This global digital Initiative is called Deep Social Networks and the Digital 4th Way!


In August, 1992, Phil received the prestigious Windstar Award from the late Jon Denver and the Windstar Foundation. At this International event, in recognition of Phil’s lineage and long time service to Indigenous Peoples and the Human Family, Indigenous Elders from First Nations across North America recognized Phil as a Hereditary Chief through a Sacred Headdress Ceremony.


On November 11, 2000, Phil received the International Swiss Award for Freedom and Human Rights from the Swiss Foundation for Freedom and Human Rights in Bern, Switzerland. These international awards were given in recognition of Phil’s “unique contributions to improve the lives and future hopes of Indigenous Peoples by promoting freedom and justice for Indigenous Peoples by building human and spiritual capacity, rather than opposing oppression directly, and his international visionary initiatives with Indigenous Peoples toward healing the root causes of hopelessness and despair.”


Other winners of these awards include: Oceanologist Jacques-Yves Cousteau; Yevgeni Velikhov, Vice President of the Soviet Academy of Sciences; Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and founder of Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement; Akio Matsumura, Executive Director of The Global Forum; the Dalai Lama of Tibet; Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, former Secretary General of the United Nations, and British Lord Yehudi Menuhin, musician and philosopher. Phil was the first North or South American person to receive these awards.


In June, 2008, Phil was awarded the 14th Annual Ally Award by the Center for Healing Racism in Houston, Texas in recognition of Phil’s long-time, dedicated advocacy and healing work toward resolving Canada’s Residential School issues.

Friday, February 17, 2012

                                                  Dave Courchene, Jr.,

Nii Gaani Aki Innini (Leading Earth Man) has travelled internationally, carrying a message of hope and peace.  Dave shares ancient Indigenous knowledge that he believes can act as the foundation in supporting the New Life that Mother Earth is now entering, and that the Elders have confirmed has arrived.


He has created a special place for sharing ancient Indigenous knowledge – the Turtle Lodge – built based on a vision he received many years ago. Indigenous people have always relied on visions and dreams to give guidance and direction in life.


In 2011, Dave shared the stage twice with the Dalai Lama to bring a message of peace in Newark, New Jersey and Monterrey, Mexico.  In the spring of 2011, Dave initiated the Makoose Ka Win and the Vision Quest rites of passage to take young people of all cultures entering Adulthood back to the land and the Elders to find their uniqueness and promote peace.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Keynote Speaker: Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.

Cultural and Spiritual Values-The Sacred Foundation of Aboriginal Education”



A.M. WORKSHOPS: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.


Keynote Workshop–Centennial 1

Developing Aboriginal Curricula Centred in the Voices of Aboriginal Young People

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.

This workshop will focus on listening directly to educational needs of Aboriginal Young and consulting about how their educational concerns can be integrated into our Aboriginal Curricula.


Phil Lane, Jr. is a co-founder and international coordinator of the Four Worlds family of organizations. He is a Native American (Dakota-Chickasaw) who is both a traditional pipe carrier and sweat lodge keeper and an internationally acclaimed leader in human and community development. He will be joined in this interactive workshop by Jordan Bighorn and Aboriginal youth participants.


Workshop 1—Centennial 3

Family Programs- A Generation of Change

Diana Elliott

AIDP has been in existence in British Columbia since January 1992 and is celebrating 20 years in 2012.  This home visiting program for children from newborn to age 5 and their parents will share the outcome of a recent provincial wide program evaluation of 49 AIDP in B.C. The history of AIDP, the growth of AIDP from 2 programs to 49 with highlight the growth of an AECD program, the challenges and the successes and what we have learned along the way and the results of the evaluation will be shared, along with messages from families who have participated in the AIDP services and resources.


Diana Elliott is First Nations from Cowichan Tribes in Coast Salish Territory in Duncan B.C.  Diana has over 20 years experience as a front line worker, supervisor/manager and provincial advisor for AIDP in B.C. for 8 years.  She believes the teachings of our Elders and Ancestors to be the foundation for our Early Childhood Development Programs.


Workshop 2—Centennial 4

Overview of the Treaty Education Initiative for K-12: TRCM

James Wilson

This presentation will provide an overview and update on the developments of the Treaty Education Initiative for K-12 that is part of the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba’s public education mandate.  The Treaty Education Kit will also be presented and conference participants will be able to visit the TRCM Information Booth to peruse the Treaty education instructional materials and resources.


James Wilson was appointed as the second Treaty Commissioner for the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba (TRCM) by a Federal Order-in-Council on June 19, 2010. Commissioner Wilson is an educator by profession, holds a multicultural/multi C subject teaching credential, with teaching experience from K through 12. He has been a school counsellor, a curriculum developer and a cultural awareness trainer. Jamie has experience conducting various sports camps, classes in survival, land navigation, subsistence living and group counselling.


Workshop 3 – Centennial 5

The Importance of Early Years towards Graduation Success

Karen Davis, Colleen Cawood, Valerie Gendron

Karen Davis is from Ebb & Flow First Nation and currently works with West Region Tribal Health Department.  In her spare time, she is the driving force and volunteer extraordinaire in bringing books to children across Manitoba.  She is a passionate advocate for family literacy and providing opportunities for all children and families to develop learning and literacy skills.  In recognition of her commitment and community work, Karen was a recipient of the Brandon’s YWCA’s Women of Distinction award in 2011.


Co-Presenters Colleen Cawood and Valerie Gendron are from Bookmates, a non-profit organization that develops and delivers family literacy programs in partnership with community organizations and parents. Bookmates offers facilitator training for people to facilitate programs for families in their own communities, and also provides programs directly. They endeavour to inspire families and communities to grow through the joy of learning




P.M. 1 WORKSHOPS: 12:30-1:45 p.m.


Workshop 1—Centennial 3

Medicine Wheel Gardening

Maureen Quinsey & Rhonda Morrissette

This session will walk participants through the journey from planning to implementation of the Waawayeyaa Gitikan at the Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. This garden, based on the Medicine Wheel, has inspired other schools to create outdoor classroom spaces that support the integration of Aboriginal perspectives into all curriculum areas. The garden represents the inclusion of all nations and respect for sustainable ways.  Everyone is welcome in the circle. If you are interested in developing a similar project, this is the session for you. Participants will learn about funding applications, receive a list of potential funders, learn about how the garden connects with core curriculum, and develop a good understanding of all the elements that are involved in this type of project.


Maureen Quinsey has worked in the Winnipeg School Division in a variety of roles over the past 26 years. Maureen is currently the Vice-Principal of the Winnipeg Adult Education Center; in charge of the Adolescent Parent Center.  Maureen is committed and passionate about promoting Aboriginal Education initiatives and has devoted her career to supporting student and staff learning.


Rhonda Morrissette is the Teacher-librarian at the Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. Her passions include the integration of technologies in the 21st century learning environment and Aboriginal Education. Rhonda served as the chair of the Circle Garden Development Committee.


Workshop 2—Centennial 4

Empowering the Voices of Youth with Aboriginal Literature Integrated into Curriculum

Dr. Helen D. Armstrong

This session will explore the role of culturally relevant literature in supporting literacy and identity-building processes among Aboriginal youth. While the workshop will give an overview the overall process, structure, and content of our federally funded research, it will particularly focus on the possibilities, going forward, of an Indigenous Inquiry Kit (IIK) model, which includes a strong literature and community-based component. Participants will have the opportunity to become acquainted with several IIK exemplars created by teacher candidates.  As well, they will have time to review books, along with curricular outcome frameworks, and learn how they might incorporate a variety of books into their own classroom, and then everyone will share their ideas with their workshop colleagues.


Helen Armstrong is the Principal Investigator of the federally funded SSHRC/CURA project entitled Community-Based Aboriginal Curriculum Initiatives: Implementation and Evaluation.  Her work within the grant’ program and the university classroom has focussed on two primary aspects: 1) including community-based artist educators’ knowledge in school classrooms to meet curricular outcomes; 2) working with teachers in schools and teacher candidates at the university level to integrate Aboriginal literature to meet curricular outcomes.


Workshop 3—Centennial 5

Literature through Dance

Jessica McMann

Storytelling through hoop dance is grounded in traditional values and contemporary pedagogical tools. The work shop evolved out of a need for a fast paced, interactive approach to imparting traditional teachings and knowledge outside of a regular classroom setting.


Jessica has been teaching in schools since 2006. Her practice stretches from Vancouver across the prairies to rural and urban communities. Her workshops are full of energy and apply curriculum concepts to the hoop dance. She has been dancing for nine years and has travelled the world and has done workshops for schools in Sweden.


P.M. 2 WORKSHOPS: 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Workshop 3—Centennial 5

Celebrating Strengths- Positive School Experiences

Lydia Hedrich & Sherry Denysuik

The Seven Oaks School Division has an ongoing commitment to seek ways to make education meaningful for all students in our community.

We continue to pose these questions:

What constitutes a good education? For whom is it good? Who gets to decide? How might we become better?


We will ask participants to examine their knowledge, perceptions, assumptions and actions regarding the experiences of Aboriginal students. This presentation will focus on the findings of a research project conducted in the Seven Oaks School Division that spanned over four years and focused on Aboriginal perspectives in education. The facilitators will engage conference participants in a dialogue during this presentation.


Lydia Hedrich is currently working as an Assistant Superintendent in the Seven Oaks School Division. She spent several years as a French Immersion classroom teacher and as an early years’ principal. Her educational interests focus on understanding and fostering “good” teaching with democracy in mind.


Sherri Denysuik is an Anishinaabe from Sagkeeng First nation. She is currently Vice Principal of Edmund Partridge Community School, a 6 – 8 middle school in Seven Oaks School Division. Before joining Seven Oaks School Division, Sherri worked in Winnipeg School Division and Brokenhead Ojibway nation. Her work as an educator has extended beyond the school into organizations such as CAEM (Council for Aboriginal Educators) and ASVAC (Aboriginal Voice and Action Standing Committee) that aim to enhance and promote Aboriginal Education.


Friday, February 17, 2012


Keynote Speaker: Dave Courchene, Jr.

Sustaining Aboriginal Education


A.M. WORKSHOPS: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.


Workshop 1–Centennial 3

Empowered and Engaged Adolescents (all day)

Val Noseworthy, Karen Courchene, & Rosalind Robb

“Students who are more fully engaged in school are more likely to stay in school, attend school regularly, and to discover and reach their potential.” ~Engaging Middle Years Students in Learning, 2010

In this workshop, Aboriginal perspectives will be integrated while exploring the five key actions for engaging Middle Years students in learning. Workshop participants will make a personalized talking stick and will have “hands on learning opportunities to acquire strategies and resources to empower and engage their Middle Years learners.


Val Noseworthy is the Middle Years Consultant with Manitoba Education. She has over thirty years teaching experience in the middle grades. She values diversity in the classroom and honours the potential and power of all students and teachers in the learning process. She sees life-long learning as a goal for all learners.


Karen Courchene is an educator with over twenty years teaching experience at the various levels of early-years, middle-years and secondary education.  All her teaching experience has been within First Nation schools and she uses those experiences to enhance and support education in Manitoba


Rosalind Robb is a consultant with Manitoba Education with 10 years experience in the department of education. She has experience working with children of all ages and has taught at the senior years level and in adult education.  Her focus is literacy with information and communication technology across the curriculum.


Workshop 2—Centennial 4

Cultural Warriors

Kevin Lamoureux

Far from the stereotype of Aboriginal warriors portrayed in movies and books, a true warrior is dedicated to family and community, full of self respect and respect for traditions. A cultural warrior is a modern activist committed to making a difference for society, while maintaining and upholding traditional values. Manitoba schools are filled with Aboriginal cultural warriors. This session will be about recognising the potential of these youth using strength based programming models.


Kevin Lamoureaux is an instructor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Winnipeg. As an educator he has specialized in the area of Aboriginal education, and appropriate programming for disengaged students under-served by mainstream school systems. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. through the University of New England in Armidale, Australia.


Workshop 3—Centennial 5

Our Children Our Future:

Janice Millar

In this workshop, we will explore and discuss the reality of what has happened in our Aboriginal community and how it has affected our children. Looking at questions like; Who are they? What has happened to them? How do we want them to be? How do we help them get there?


Janice Millar has worked in the Inner City for 25 years. I have been a volunteer, teacher assistant, student teacher, counsellor, and now a support teacher. She will share in this workshop what she has learned about our students and their families.  This is a critical time for our students and making change in our community. The Old People have said, “We must no longer carry the pain of our past. Our children need to be free.” We were once “All Treaty People.”  It is time to return to this way of life.




P.M. 1 WORKSHOPS: 12:30-1:45 p.m. and 2:00-3:15 p.m.


Workshop 2—Centennial 4

Pen to Paper Journaling

Leona Daniels & Leah Morgan

In this workshop you will learn about 10 different types of journals, the rules of journaling, the story of the PaperFriend Workbook Series, how to do journal collaging and most importantly, you will learn how journal writing is the perfect tool for overcoming life’s difficulties, achieving goals, finding happiness and become comfortable with writing.  Attendees of this workshop will also learn tools and tips on how to teach others the power of journaling.


Leona Daniels, MSW (Ktunaxa) has mastered the art of turning turmoil’s into lessons.  Her story of transcendence helped her develop the guided Paper Friend Series.


Leah Morgan, DPSM (Nuu-chah-nulth/Gitxsan) has over 25 years working in Aboriginal communities. Recently she has been educating and training communities on Portfolio Development.

Workshop 3—Centennial 5

The Five Pillars of Hip-Hop

Samir Hathout

We will look at the history of Hip hop and discuss why this art form resonates with Aboriginal youth in Manitoba.  We will also look at resources that teachers and students can access to get them involved in Hip hop education.


Samir Hathout is a teacher at Garden City Collegiate.  He teaches grades 9-12 and he has had an interest in Hip hop education for many years.  He has experience teaching inner city and Aboriginal youth and using Hip hop to create engagement in schools


Workshop – Centennial 1

First Nations Education For Sustainability – Ways of Knowing

Elder Myra Larimee

Indigenous peoples’ traditional way of education was conducted and sustained through an experiential learning process that engaged learners as participants.


This workshop will invite participants to review project descriptions and dialogue about the possibility of such projects being enacted in their schools and the steps required to do so.  Project based learning is considered a traditional way of learning as the learners are experiencing and engaged.


Myra Laramee is a member of the Fisher River Cree Nation who was born and raised in the city of Winnipeg and feels deeply about the value in the diversity and multiplicity found in our urban center. An educator for over 30 years, she retired in 2007. Currently, she is the Director of Education Reform of the MFNERC. She is presently working on her thesis as a PhD Candidate in an Ad Hoc Interdisciplinary PhD Program at the University of Manitoba








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 Silent Auction Donors

Neil ClarkDashing Parcels C. Brown
University of Winnipeg L. Dunning
Ed. dept J. Dunning
History Dept R. Bird
WEC Adam the Magician
Irene Gordon author Linda Stuart


Rick Ranson author Chapters
Karen Davis PPW Chartered Accountants

The Aboriginal Circle of Educators would like to thank its volunteers, donors, exhibitors and funders who have made the 9th Annual A.C.E. Conference so successful.

Without them, this Conference would not have been possible.

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